Surprise, You’re a Fundraiser!

Surprise, You’re a Fundraiser!

How did you land in the fundraising hot seat? Did you realize when you accepted that Chief Executive Officer or Executive Director position at your nonprofit the extent to which you would be the nerve center of your organization’s fundraising efforts? Perhaps you thought your job would be more about creating and leading programs, and the Advancement Office would deal with donors. Surprise! This can come as a bit of a shock to many who sit in the CEO/ED seat and it can necessitate some significant adjustments (both scheduling and mindset).

Helping You Manage Through COVID-19

Helping You Manage Through COVID-19

As we are all coping with the new reality of COVID-19, we at Dunleavy & Associates, like many businesses, are pondering the next steps – both the challenges and the opportunities - presented by this urgent situation. In this posting, we share with you some of the business practices we have adopted internally over the last 18+ years working in a virtual environment which allows us to retain maximum flexibility to support you, our clients. It is our hope that these practices may inform your own organizational planning in the coming days and weeks.

Go to Summer Reading

Go to Summer Reading

Summertime is all about relaxing and enjoying some time to breathe easy. During the moments to kick back and relax, Dunleavy & Associates wants you to enjoy what we’re reading on our days off. We’ve compiled a list of both fiction and non-fiction books that our team is enjoying as well as our personal reviews.

They've got their costumes! Do you?


Photo credit: @PleaseTouchMuseum

Photo credit: @PleaseTouchMuseum

I love Halloween – Why? Well, it’s the precursor to the “holidays” and, in recent years, it has been the harbinger “of sleep...” that we will be reclaiming that hour of sleep we forfeited in the spring.  Besides the candy, it’s a seasonal invitation to let one’s creativity abound—thinking of the infinite number or character or costume possibilities.  Most fitting, I suppose that this is the season when two of our regions newest icons have been introduced:  “Gritty” representing the Philadelphia Flyers and “Squiggles” the new face of the Please Touch Museum.   

Whether you love ‘em or not, mascots have power – as Webster says… to bring them good luck.  

mascot definition.png

So, this seems like the right moment to say that we at Dunleavy have a mascot and we’d like to introduce you to him… his name is Seamus O’Dunleavy


Seamus is small but he has mightily magical powers... he generously showers good luck on our team by bringing wonderful new organizations into our orbit every day.  

This month Seamus’s magic brought us Special Olympics Pennsylvania, Share Food Program, Philadelphia Aquatic Center, Wissahickon Valley Public Library, Neighborhood Gardens Trust and Washington Memorial Heritage.

Here’s to a happy Halloween and more magic from our favorite leprechaun Seamus (who some have observed looks like Gritty’s irish cousin)!

-Nancy Dunleavy

Founder, CEO and Seamus’ Best Friend